Saturday, October 20, 2018

Controlled Nanoscale Manipulation in High-Powered Microscopes

By developing a way to better measure and manipulate conductive materials through scanning tunneling microscopy, Researchers from Japan have taken a step toward faster and more advanced electronics. In scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), Placing of a conducting tip close to the surface of the conductive material to be imaged. By creating a "tunnel junction" between the two through which electrons travel a voltage is applied through the tip to the surface.

To provide the scientist with a better understanding of the atomic structure of the material being imaged the shape and position of the tip, the voltage strength, the conductivity and density of the material's surface all come together.The scientist should be able to change the variables to manipulate the material itself with that information.Till now the precise manipulation is a problem.Within the desired electrical current, the custom terahertz pulse cycle designed by the researchers quickly oscillates between near and far fields.

A scientist said "The active control and characterization of near fields in a tunnel junction are essential for advancing elaborate manipulation of light-field-driven processes at the nanoscale."Via terahertz scanning tunneling microscopy with a phase shifter, we demonstrated that desirable phase-controlled near fields can be produced in a tunnel junction."

Previous studies assumed that spatially and temporally the near and far fields were the same. Along with examining the fields closely the Team identified that there was a difference between the two and realized that to switch the current to the near field, the fast laser pulse could prompt the needed phase shift of the terahertz pulse.

For optical storage media in DVDs and Blu-ray as well as next-generation ultrafast electronics and microscopies the phase change materials used. So the scientists said their work holds enormous promise for advancing strong-field physics in nano-scale solid state systems.

Friday, October 12, 2018

The swarms of Nano machines could help in improving the efficiency of any machine

Energy conversion happens in all machines as it converts from one form of energy to another form. As per thermodynamics the energy conversion process take place on the macro-level of big machines as well as at the micro-level of molecular machines that drive muscles or metabolic processes and even on the atomic level. Some scientists study that the thermodynamics of Nanomachines consisting of only a few atoms which outline how these small machines behave in concert. To improve the energy efficiency of all kinds of machines that means big or small, their insights could be used.

The current progress in nanotechnology has a vital role in designing and manufacturing of extremely small artificial machines and to understand the world at ever-smaller scales. As cars, these machines are far more efficient than large machines. As we have in daily life applications the output is low compared to the needs in absolute term. This is the reason we studied how the Nano machines interact with each other and looked at how ensembles of those small machines behave. If there are synergies when they act in concert, it should be observed.

Under certain conditions the researchers found that the nanomachines, synchronise their movements and start to arrange in "swarms". The synchronisation of the machines triggers significant synergy effects could be seen for which the overall energy output of the ensemble is far greater than the sum of the individual outputs. The researcher explains that while this is a basic research, the principles outlined in the paper could potentially be used to improve the efficiency of any machine in the future.

The scientists created mathematical models that are based on existing literature and outcomes of experimental research in order to simulate and study the energetic behaviour of swarms of Nanomachines.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Nanoscale Resonator to detect Dangerous Chemicals

Most insects have tiny hairs on their body but it is not clear what the hairs are for. Scientists are  trying to make sense of what these hairs may be capable of, so they designed experiment involving“forest” of tiny hairs on a thin vibrating crystal chip. They were thinking that this device can work like a smaller and cheaper spectrometer, measuring chemicals in the parts-per-million range.” Using resonators as sensors, because it’s highly undesirable most people want to get rid of dissipation or friction, it tends to obscure what you are trying to measure. Scientists have taken that undesirable thing and made it useful.”

“Without chemical receptors, sensing chemicals has been a challenge in normal conditions, scientists realized that in the frictional loss of a mechanical resonator in motion, there is a wealth of information contained and it is more pronounced at the nanoscale.”Any object moving rapidly through the air can probe the properties of the surrounding environment. We can imagine a wand in your hand and moving it back and forth, and even just by feeling the resistance and with our eyes closed we can feel whether the wand is moving through air, honey or water. When picturing this wand with billions of tiny hairs on it, moving back and forth several million times per second and just imagine the sensing possibilities. With the nanostructures, we can feel that tiny changes in the air surrounding the resonator. “This device will be useful for detecting a wide variety of chemicals by the sensitivity.”

For sensing by living organisms, similar mechanisms involving motions of nano-hairs may be used because the friction is changing dramatically with time changes with the environmental and It is easy to measure, it may be possible to designed to plug into a wall and eventually produce a gadget of the similar size or slightly larger than a Rubik’s cube and Presently to sensing chemical vapours in air, the group’s device is geared primarily. Versatility sets the device apart from larger and more expensive equipment, Apart from size and reasonable cost. “Because our sensor is not directed to detect any specific chemical and it doesn’t require that we actually attach the molecules to anything to create a mechanical response, it can interpret a broad range, meaning that it’s also reusable.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

  Ferrimagnets to Speed up Spintronics Devices

Instead of ferromagnets, ferrimagnets could theoretically speed up spintronics devices. For a specific purpose, Spintronics devices make use of electron spin. One possible application is in high-density storage devices. Using magnetic solitons (a type of quasiparticle) such devices have been proposed like nanoscale domain walls in which a material has boundaries between areas where the magnetic moments point down on one side and up on the other. In such a device, the solitons would be moved using something called a racetrack, a device capable of moving domain walls or skyrmions along structures such as nanowires using current pulses that are spin-polarized would serve as bits used to encode information.

But the development of a commercial device has been stymied by a problem—the bits are actually too big, which makes it difficult to move them fast enough to make the whole idea worthwhile. The research suggests using ferrimagnets instead of using ferromagnets in such devices in this new effort.

Materials that have properties that resemble iron are known as traditional magnets. The best example is Ferromagnets. On the other hand, these are materials that have two types of ions with magnetic moments that are not equal and which are also polarized in opposite directions. Using ferromagnets could allow for the creation of smaller bits because they allow faster domain wall dynamics to occur.

The reason behind this is no change in net angular momentum required to reorient magnetic moments. They claim making the switch would allow for an order of magnitude improvement in both size and speed without resorting to cryogenics which in a relatively short period of time could result in the creation of new consumer products.

 Ferrimagnets to Speed up Spintronics Devices

Instead of ferromagnets, ferrimagnets could theoretically speed up spintronics devices. For a specific purpose, Spintronics devices make use of electron spin. One possible application is in high-density storage devices. Using magnetic solitons (a type of quasiparticle) such devices have been proposed like nanoscale domain walls in which a material has boundaries between areas where the magnetic moments point down on one side and up on the other. In such a device, the solitons would be moved using something called a racetrack, a device capable of moving domain walls or skyrmions along structures such as nanowires using current pulses that are spin-polarized would serve as bits used to encode information.

But the development of a commercial device has been stymied by a problem—the bits are actually too big, which makes it difficult to move them fast enough to make the whole idea worthwhile. The research suggests using ferrimagnets instead of using ferromagnets in such devices in this new effort.

Materials that have properties that resemble iron are known as traditional magnets. The best example is Ferromagnets. On the other hand, these are materials that have two types of ions with magnetic moments that are not equal and which are also polarized in opposite directions. Using ferromagnets could allow for the creation of smaller bits because they allow faster domain wall dynamics to occur.

The reason behind this is no change in net angular momentum required to reorient magnetic moments. They claim making the switch would allow for an order of magnitude improvement in both size and speed without resorting to cryogenics which in a relatively short period of time could result in the creation of new consumer products.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Nanotubes can change the shape of water

Insert water in Nanotube hole then The water molecules will align into a square rod, If the nanotube is just the right width. By using molecular models it can be demonstrated that weak van der Waals forces between the inner surface of the nanotube and the water molecules are strong enough to snap the oxygen and hydrogen atoms into place.

According to Molecular models of nanotube ice, water molecules takes the shape of a square tube because of the pressure of a carbon nanotube at left and a boron nitride nanotube  at right.The phenomenon is dependent upon the diameter of the nanotube. It is also known as two-dimensional “ice,” because the molecules freeze regardless of the temperature. To fabricate nanochannels and energy-storing nanocapacitors, The research provides valuable insight on ways to leverage atomic interactions between nanotubes and water molecules 

Boron nitride is best at constraining the shape of water when the nanotubes are 10.5 angstroms wide. The researchers built molecular models of carbon and boron nitride nanotubes with adjustable widths. The hydrogen atoms in tightly confined water take on interesting structural properties. Recent experiments on labs showed and prompted the researchers to build density functional theory models to analyze the forces responsible.

Researchers made 3 angstroms wide water molecules inside carbon and boron nitride nanotubes of various chiralities and the diameter is between 8 and 12 angstroms. They discovered that nanotubes in the middle diameters had the most impact on the balance between molecular interactions and van der Waals pressure that prompted the transition from a square water tube to ice.

If the water molecule is too large as compared to nanotube, the water keeps its amorphous shape. The nanotubes’ van der Waals force starts to push water molecules into organized square shapes.” But at about 8 angstroms  Due to the particular polarization of atoms, the strongest interactions were found in boron nitride nanotubes. Nanotube ice can be used in molecular machines or foster ways to deliver a few molecules of water to targeted cells, like a nanoscale syringe.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Treating Nail Fungus With Nanotechnology

Nail fungus known as Onychomycosis impacts millions of people worldwide causing nail disfigurement, pain, and increased risk of soft tissue infection. Treatments like topical antifungal treatments are available but treatment failure remains high due to a number of factors.

To improve its treatment, Scientists investigated the use of nanotechnology and make it more cost effective. It is noticed that when Efinaconazole is combined with the nitric oxide-releasing nanoparticles, it achieves the same antifungal effects but at a fraction of the amount of the medication alone needed to impart the same effect.

Nanotechnology is being employed to better deliver established imaging and therapeutic agents in medicine and surgery fields to ultimately improve patient outcomes "A quickly emerging roadblock in patient care is, unfortunately, access to medications due to rising cost and poor insurance coverage.”

Combination of Nanoparticle and medication are opening the door to potentially better and more tolerable treatment regimens. The additional benefit is the ability of nanoparticles to access infections in unreachable locations as penetration and retaining activity across the nail plate.

By combining them at a fraction of these concentrations we could impart the same antifungal activity at the highest concentrations tested of either alone. "The impact of this combo, highlighted their synergistic damaging effects at concentrations that would be completely safe to human cells, which we visualized using electron microscopy as compared to either product alone.

"With the results, to determine the efficacy of the treatment in a clinical setting, it is worth further researching the synergy of nitric oxide-releasing nanoparticles and Efinaconazole against onychomycosis.

Friday, August 10, 2018

              Ability of silicon chips to tackle Big data

To transmit information for future computing there is a major advantage in the ability to use light instead of electrical signals. The integration of electrical circuits with different optical components side-by-side on a single silicon chip using, for the first time, sub-100nm semiconductor technology is allowed by SILICON NANOPHOTONICS which is also known as the breakthrough technology.

Silicon Nanophotonics provides a super highway for large volumes of data to move at rapid speeds and it uses pulses of light for communication and “This allows us to move silicon nanophotonics technology into a real-world manufacturing environment that will have impact across a range of applications and alleviating the limitations of congested data traffic and high-cost traditional interconnects. Due to an explosion of new applications and services the amount of data being created and transmitted over enterprise networks continues to grow. Silicon Nanophotonics can enable the industry to keep pace with increasing demands

Silicon seamlessly connects various parts of large systems due to which nanophotonics technology can provide answers to Big Data challenges whether few centimeters or few kilometers apart from each other, and move terabytes of data via pulses of light through optical fibres. A new era of computing that requires systems to process and analyze, in real-time, huge volumes of information known as Big Data. A variety of silicon nanophotonics components such as wavelength division multiplexers (WDM), modulators, and detectors are integrated side-by-side with a CMOS electrical circuitry by adding a few processing modules into a high-performance 90nm CMOS fabrication line.IBM's CMOS nanophotonics innovation shows handsets to surpass the information rate of 25Gbps for every channel. What's more, the innovation is fit for bolstering various parallel optical information streams into a solitary fiber by using minimized on-chip wavelength-division multiplexing gadgets. The capacity to multiplex huge information streams at high information rates will permit future scaling of optical interchanges fit for conveying terabytes of information between far off parts of PC frameworks.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Nanocarbon and Its Bioactivity

Aim of this topic is the production, characterization, modification and biological properties investigation of carbon based nanostructured materials for biosensing applications and in particular for the development of a DNA detection device.The first stage  is aimed to produce worthwhile quantities of vertically well-oriented multi-walled carbon nanotubes on uncoated silicon substrates by a simple and economical chemical vapor deposition process.

The as-grown material will be characterized and then chemically modified Subsequently. The chemical modification is the reason of the tuning of the chemical properties of the CNTs and It allows a different response to different biomolecules. Several functionalization treatments will be attempted to tailor the CNT properties for the foreseen applications. the chemical insertion of nucleic acids, proteins and other biological molecules on CNTs consequently will make possible to produce nano-biological sensors which is allowed by the presence of reactive groups on the material surface. The ferromagnetic particles trapped inside the CNT hollow cavities, can enable the production of systems that can migrate below a magnetic field effect.

To make them biocompatible and useful as biosensors or as coatings for biomedical devices, The interaction of biomolecules with CNTs will be studied. The interaction mechanisms between CNT surface and blood are characterized by a complex series of events that are yet not clearly understood. The aim of this research activity is to investigate the relationship between surface properties (chemistry, hydrophobicity-hydrophilicity and topography) and biological responses such as the composition and structure of the adsorbed plasma protein layer and platelet adhesion/activation properties. In this work the behavior of CNTs compared to various forms of carbon (pyrolitic carbon, nanocrystalline graphite and amorphous carbon) will be investigated.Besides the study of conformation and orientation of adherent proteins, the adhesion extent of various DNA (oligonucleotides, genomic DNA) structures will be evaluated to gain fundamental knowledge useful for both the development of CNT based biosensors and the development of an innovative materials for genomic DNA isolation (see Latemar project on Lab-on-Chip).

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Making of Error Free Nanostructure using Protein “Rebar” which is better than DNA Origami

Strands of DNA can fit together like Lego blocks to make nanoscale objects of complex shape and structure. So DNA is also the stuff of nanotechnology. To realize a key goal: building durable miniature devices such as biosensors and drug-delivery containers, researchers need to work with much larger collections of DNA which is been difficult because Floppiness of long chains of DNA  and the standard method of assembling long chains is prone to error.

RecA, the DNA binding proteins are useful as a kind reinforcing bar, to support the floppy DNA scaffolding by constructing several of the largest rectangular, linear and other shapes which have ever assembled from DNA by the researchers of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) .these are two to three times larger than those built using standard DNA self-assembly techniques. Reduction of the number of errors in constructing the shapes is required by using fewer chemically distinct pieces to build organized structures which are known as DNA origami.

The NIST scientists integrated filaments of RecA into the assembly of DNA structures. The advantage is it automatically attracts other units to line up alongside it if Once one unit of the protein binds to a small segment of double-stranded DNA. RecA stretches, widens and strengthens the DNA strands for which 2-nanometer-wide strand of DNA can transform into a rigid structure more than four times as wide. The RecA method greatly extends the ability of DNA self-assembly methods to build larger and more sophisticated structures.

In DNA origami, short strands of DNA with particular sequence of four base pairs are used as staples to tie together in long sections of DNA. By quickly using up the long string, the strand may loop back on itself to make the skinny DNA skeleton stronger and thicker. The new method goes beyond the DNA origami techniques. The skinny piece of single-stranded DNA lies in between the location of the short, single-stranded pieces of DNA that act as staples mark. A section of the long piece of single-stranded DNA into the double-stranded version of the molecule is transformed by the enzyme DNA polymerase.

RecA assembles all along the double strand and limiting the need for extra staples to maintain its shape. RecA method is likely able to build organized structures with fewer errors than DNA origami with the use of fewer staple.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


To develop a new type of photodetector, Researchers from UCLA are using graphene which has superior sensing and imaging capabilities and is able to work with several different types of light. Due to the ability to absorb energy from a broad swath of the electromagnetic spectrum Graphene is able to detect photons —from ultraviolet light to visible light to the infrared and microwave bands.
The researchers placed strips of graphene to create the improved photodetector over a silicon dioxide layer, which covers a base of silicon. They then created a series of comb-like nanoscale patterns comprised of gold with about 100 nanometer wide teeth. The graphene can catch the incoming photons and convert them into an electrical signal. The gold comb-shaped nanopatterns transfer the information into a processor and the processor even under low-light conditions produces a comparably high-quality image.
As per emih Cakmakyapan, a UCLA postdoctoral scholar and the lead author of the study,“This design efficiently produces an electrical signal which follows ultrafast and subtle variations in the light's intensity over the entire spectral range, from visible to infrared.”In different imaging devices, Different photodetectors sense different parts of the light spectrum and create images from the patterns. To sense thermal radiation invisible to the naked eye at night, Photodetectors can be used or in cameras that can identify chemicals in the environment by how they reflect light.
Depending on their operating speed, their sensitivity to lower levels of light and how much of the spectrum they can sense.
The photodetectors can sense different types of light largely which It has proven difficult for engineers to improve a photodetector’s capability in one specific area without diminishing at least one of the other two areas.
The new and improved photodetector represents an improvement in all three areas as it operates across a broad range of light, processes images more quickly and is more sensitive to low levels of light than current photodetectors. Our photodetector could extend the potential uses of photodetectors in imaging and sensing systems,” Mona Jarrahi, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, who led the study, said in a statement. “It could be used in environmental sensing technologies to more accurately identify the concentration of pollutants.”It could also dramatically improve thermal imaging in night vision or in medical diagnosis applications where precise differences in temperatures can give doctors a lot of information on their patients.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Application of Platinum Nanoparticle in Graphene Electrodes

Using platinum nanoparticle, graphene electrode impedance could be lower by 100times and transparent. The lower impedance graphene electrodes were able to record an image neuronal activity, such as Calcium ion spikes, at both macro cell and single cell levels. Graphene electrodes enable higher quality imaging of brain cell activity. Recently graphene electrode is a step closer to being adapted into next-generation brain imaging technologies and various basic neuroscience and medical applications.

Researchers have been exploring graphene electrodes for use in neural implants. They have several advantages over the traditional metal electrodes. They are flexible So they can confirm better to brain tissue. Also, they are transparent, which makes them possible to both record and see the activities of neurons directly beneath the electrodes that would otherwise be blocked by opaque metal materials.

Graphene electrodes are under high impedance, This hampers communication between the brain and the recording devices. The noisy reading comes as a result. The transparency of metal will be ruined if researchers try various techniques to reduce the impedance of the graphene, researchers have developed a technique to engineer graphene electrodes those are both 100times lower in impedance and transparent.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Gold Coated Nanorobots for detoxification of Toxic fluids from Blood

Researchers are making Nanorobots by giving Gold nanowires coat with a hybrid of platelets and red blood cell membranes. The hybrid cell membrane coating allows the nanorobots to perform different tasks of two different cells at a time. platelets, which bind pathogens like MRSA bacteria and red blood cells, which absorb and neutralize the toxin produced by these bacteria. Due to the gold coating nanorobots respond to ultrasound so that it can rapidly swim without chemical fuel. Due to this movement, the nanorobot efficiently mixes with the bacteria and toxins in the blood and speed up detoxification.

We can impart new capabilities on tiny robots such as removal of pathogens and toxins from the body and from the other matrices, by integrating natural cell coatings onto synthetic Nanomachines. If we will combine platelets and blood cell membranes into each nanorobot coatings then platelet targets bacteria, while red blood cells target and neutralize the toxins of those bacteria produced

High-frequency sound waves are effective to fuse the membrane together. With the separation of entire membranes from platelets and red blood cells, the hybrid coating is created. To make the nanorobots, researchers coated the hybrid membranes onto gold nanowires using specific surface chemistry.

The Nanorobots can travel up to 35micro meters per second in blood when powered by ultrasound.they are about 25times smaller than the width of human hair. In tests, researches used the nanorobots to treat blood samples contaminated with MRSA and their Toxins. As a result, these blood samples had three times fewer bacteria and toxins than affected samples. To make it economical, the scientists are working on making nanorobots out of biodegradable materials instead of gold.                                                                                                                     

Friday, June 1, 2018

The data at light speed moves by Nanowire

Recently Researchers of Nanotechnology have discovered a new way of production of Nanoscale wire that can serve as tiny, adjustable lasers. These tiny lessers have some excellent performance which is quite promising for the field of Optoelectronics(It is all about combining electronics and light to transmit data among other application). Lasers in a Nanoscale decrement could further bring light-speed data transmission to desktop and transform Computing. A standard technique can require expensive equipment and exotic condition to produce Nanowire.

Caesium, Lead and Bromide(CsPbBr3) are the three components of Nanowire that emits bright laser light after hitting by a pulse from another laser source. The Nanowire laser is very stable, emitting laser light for over an hour. It also was demonstrated to be broadly controllable across green and blue wavelengths. To interface photonic(light-based) with electronic devices, the nanosized wires are being developed.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Nanoscience Meet 2018

Nanoscience Meet 2018 invites participants from all over the world to attend “Annual Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Advanced Material” with the Theme:“THE ERA OF NANO- Applications of Nanosystems and Technology for Smart Innovations” During 26-28 November 2018 at Bali, Indonesia.

This includes Oral talks, keynote presentations, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. It will also provide the excellent opportunity to meet experts, exchange information and strengthen the collaboration among Directors, Researchers, Professors, Nanoscience students, deans and Scholars.

Nano means small particles in nanoscale measurement which has a vast Utilisation. Nanosciences, Nanotechnology, Nanomolecular science is the application of nanoscience on which many types of research and innovations are going on. The aim of Nanoscience , Nanotechnology & Advanced material conferences is to create a platform for a strong exchange of the recent advancement and technologies towards NanoWorld.

Conference Highlights:

Advanced Nanomaterial, Nanomaterial Fabrication, characterization and tool, Nanosensors & Nanoscale electronics, Nanopolymer, nanotubes and Nanoporous materials, Nanogenerators and Piezoelectronics, Nano-based drug and gene delivery, Quantum dots, nanocatalysis &application in the chemical industry, Dimensional Metrology of nanoparticle in complex media,Internet of nano things,Nanotech for energy and environment, Nanomaterial for clean and sustainable energy,Nanobiotechnology &Nanomedicine,Nanomaterial for food packaging,Nanotechnology in tissue and regeneration,Nanotechnology safety and risks,Nanotechnology for Water Treatment,Characterization and modelling of nanostructured device,Mathematical modelling in nanoscience &nanotechnology.