Gold Coated Nanorobots for detoxification of Toxic fluids from Blood
Researchers are making Nanorobots by giving Gold nanowires coat with a hybrid of platelets and red blood cell membranes. The hybrid cell membrane coating allows the nanorobots to perform different tasks of two different cells at a time. platelets, which bind pathogens like MRSA bacteria and red blood cells, which absorb and neutralize the toxin produced by these bacteria. Due to the gold coating nanorobots respond to ultrasound so that it can rapidly swim without chemical fuel. Due to this movement, the nanorobot efficiently mixes with the bacteria and toxins in the blood and speed up detoxification.
We can impart new capabilities on tiny robots such as removal of pathogens and toxins from the body and from the other matrices, by integrating natural cell coatings onto synthetic Nanomachines. If we will combine platelets and blood cell membranes into each nanorobot coatings then platelet targets bacteria, while red blood cells target and neutralize the toxins of those bacteria produced

The Nanorobots can travel up to 35micro meters per second in blood when powered by ultrasound.they are about 25times smaller than the width of human hair. In tests, researches used the nanorobots to treat blood samples contaminated with MRSA and their Toxins. As a result, these blood samples had three times fewer bacteria and toxins than affected samples. To make it economical, the scientists are working on making nanorobots out of biodegradable materials instead of gold.
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